This is a story of Emma Walker, a bright and beautiful high school cheerleader dating Riley Gaul, a football player two years older than her. Like many high school relationships, the pair were dating on and off before eventually splitting up for good when Riley went to college. However, Riley didn’t take the breakup well. He continuously stalked Emma and did some very questionable things to get her attention. Read on to find out how the story ended in a tragedy.

Football Season Was Around


Friday night in autumn means football games at Central High School in Knoxville, Tennessee. The students are excited, decked out in red and black, the colors of their home team, the Bobcats.

Seth Armstrong, Bobcat alumni, said, “Everybody’s excited at school to see how well we do. It’s what our school revolves around. It’s exciting.” In front of the crowd, there is a marching band and cheerleaders hyping everyone up. In the fall of 2014, a fresh face joined the squad: a 14-year-old freshman named Emma Walker. The bright student had her whole life ahead of her.