Tobey Maguire


As it turns out, the man who plays everyone’s favorite, lovable, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Tobey Maguire isn’t anything like his on-screen counterpart. The actor made headlines in the summer of 2014 when A-list poker hostess Molly Bloom wrote a memoir. In it, she outed Maguire for his abhorrent behavior at the table.

In addition to describing Maguire as the “worst tipper” and the “worst loser,” Bloom told a story about how he once ordered her to “bark like a seal who wants a fish” in exchange for a thousand-dollar chip.

When she politely declined and tried to laugh it off, Maguire apparently held the piece over her head and said, “I’m not kidding. What’s wrong? You’re too rich now? You won’t bark for a thousand dollars?…BARK!”