They Start Opting Out Of Plans With Friends And Family


You have planned to go out on a weekend to visit your family whom you haven’t seen in a really long time and the night before the trip, your partner decides that they had a change of heart.

You might be wondering why this is happening and you might not find a reasonable explanation. You planned for this trip for so long, you were eager and your partner seemed eager but at the last moment, they just didn’t want to come and spend time with you and your family.

It might not make sense to you but it sure does make a lot of sense to them. They are at the point in the relationship where they just kind of want to break up with you but can’t muster the courage to tell you so.

That means that they just don’t want to spend time with your family because that would seem like a lost cause. It just does not make any sense to them because in their minds the relationship is already over. Instead, they would much rather spend time with the person they are cheating with.