They Start To Take Better Care Of Their Appearance


Imagine that for several years your partner didn’t shave regularly – maybe he did so once a week or even once every two weeks. They had some excess weight on them and didn’t take baths on a regular basis.

Suddenly they start taking better care of themselves, shaving every other day and they even start to buy new perfumes. They tend to look at themselves in the mirror more often and maybe they even lose some weight by improving their diet.

Who are they trying to impress? You might be asking yourself. That person might not be you because they have been with you all these years and have only now decided to introduce a change in their lives.

This is a very strong indication that your partner is trying to impress a person other than yourself. It’s worth keeping your eyes open if this is happening because before you know it you might be the one that is being cheated on. So get in shape yourself and be ready when that happens.