Over the years, many movies have been released that have broken all sorts of box office records, both nationally and internationally. These movies have been loved by the audience and appreciated for the talent of the actors, screenwriters, and directors. However, there are many movies, that have done well in the box office, but have been banned in many parts of the world. This could be due to historical, political, or religious contexts, resulting in the hurting of the sentiments of many people in those countries. We have curated a list of some famous movies that have been banned in many parts of the world. Let’s have a look at them.

The Wolf of Wall Street


Martin Scorsese had a lot to say in this ceremoniously loved and equally hated film that came out in 2013. The Wolf of Wall Street follows a young stockbroker (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) who hits it big and loses his mind-blowing his newfound wealth. Scorsese packed this one full of drugs, sex, and partying, but he didn’t lay off the corporate fat-cats who actually live and act this way in real life.