“Loose women may also be loaded with disease.” – Public Service Announcement


This ad serves as a reminder for men, particularly lonely businessmen on the road, sailors docking at ports, and servicemen returning from the war, that women with loose morals are just as dangerous as loaded guns. In fact, the ad doesn’t even bother with subtlety by using a metaphor. The ad just crassly states that “Loose Women may also be Loaded with Disease.”

The terrible attempt at figurative speech does not end with a gun being loaded with bullets while a promiscuous woman was loaded with disease. The ad also points out how V should stand for “Victory” and not “venereal diseases.”

The public service announcement is also rather one-sided, focusing on the diseases that men can get if they engage in one-night stands with easy women. However, there is a failure to mention unwanted pregnancies and the STDs women can get from men.