“Do you still beat your wife?” – Co-Le Sales Company


Here’s another ad that promotes domestic violence. Worse than the one by Chase & Sanborn where the woman looks distressed when her husband was spanking her, this ad by Co-Le Sales Company shows both husband and wife smiling during the punishment, seeming to find pleasure in inflicting and receiving pain.

The company sold a “rollicking, provocative, yet educational” booklet about the benefits of wife-beating. “Why You Should Beat Your Wife” was written by a proud practitioner of the so-called manly art. At a time when some husbands had probably advanced in thinking and realized domestic violence had no place in their home, Co-Le Sales Company states that men should never have stopped the barbaric practice to keep traditional masculine norms and maintain their dominance over women.

Order a booklet to receive a refresher on exercising violence and sexism. It’s hair-raising to think about how many copies of this booklet were sold.