“If I could play video games, you bet it would be ATARI!” – Stevie Wonder


Let’s just be clear that it’s not Stevie Wonder at fault here but the arcade game company that exploited his blindness.

That first line alone, “IF I COULD PLAY video games…” showed everything that is appallingly wrong with this 1980s ad by Atari. Why, why, why would you choose a person with a disability to promote a product that he cannot use? While it’s humbling and inspiring that Stevie Wonder can joke about his blindness, the way Atari, Inc. took advantage of his sightlessness and popularity is just revolting.

Getting one of the most influential and successful musicians of the 20th century to say, “My friends tell me the graphics are the best. I don’t know what that means, but I know with the Atari 2600 they must be uptight and outta sight!” is already too much, but to also declare, “You don’t need two people to play… or even two eyes” is just unbelievably offensive.