“When she overreacts to any situation.” – Winthrop Laboratories


It’s difficult to tell which of these lines from the ad is most alarming: “it has a familiar sedative effect”, “extremely low incidence of toxicity”, or “for daytime sedation.” While the manufacture, prescription, and use of sedative drugs are legal, to endorse it in such a manner is cringe-worthy.

Sedatives are powerful prescription drugs that, aside from the desired calming effect, can also cause drowsiness, slowed heart rate and breathing, impaired focus and perception, and aggravated anxiety and depression. There’s also the risk of dependence and addiction, as well as the danger of death from overdose. The ad highlighted, and even exaggerated, the benefits of taking the drug, but made no mention of its possible adverse effects.

You also can’t miss the sexism in the ad that portrays a woman who “is too easily upset,” “overreacts to any situation,” and to whom “a moth seems a monster.”