“The Cheapest Specific for the Relief of Coughs” – Bayer Pharmaceutical Products


Nothing deals with cough—and bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough, and other related diseases—as well as heroin. According to Bayer and its 1895 ad, heroin-hydrochloride has been adapted for the production of cough elixirs, balsams, drops, lozenges, and medicines of any kind.

This all-encompassing and most affordable solution to relieve coughs is efficient in very small doses and can be bought over the counter. Bayer promoted heroin as a non-addictive alternative to morphine, but the drug also known as diamorphine soon had one of the highest rates of addiction among its users.

It’s bizarre how decades ago, this highly addictive and dangerous drug was advertised and commercialized by a well-known and trusted pharmaceutical company. Though the opioid is still used medically in several countries to relieve pain, its manufacture, sale, and use for non-medical purposes is illegal in the United States.