Waking Her Up Right


“My wife had one of “those days” yesterday, so I wanted to do something special for her. I woke up early, got the kids out of bed and made them breakfast. This way my wife could sleep in. I figured the kids were old enough to not set the house on fire while she was sleeping so I drove down to the store and brought her back her favorite Starbucks drink and the flowers you see above and headed back home. When I got back home I started a bath for her and went downstairs to make her an English muffin for a little breakfast snack. I left all of this in the bathroom with the lights off and natural light coming in. Finally, I went into our bedroom and nudged her awake, telling her that her bath was ready. She was happily surprised when she opened the door to the bathroom. I love doing these little things for my wife on occasion to remind her of how much she means to me. I’m sure she loves it too.”